- It was very interesting to visit the KSAT ground station at Svalbard and learn about the importance of earth observation technology and the vast potential it holds. Monitoring ships, oil spills and other climate and environmental impacts are important tools for contingency planning, as well as a source for better understanding of the impact of global climate change, says Børge Brende, Norwegian Foreign Minister. - Having ground stations on Svalbard in the Arctic, as well as in Dronning Maud Land in Antarctica, KSAT – and Norway – holds a unique position in offering satellite data services globally, says Brende. The KSAT Svalbard station is the world’s largest ground station for satellite data reception and control. More than 35 large antenna installations are located at the station communicating with more than 80 satellites on a daily basis and performing 15.000 contacts per month. The information received at the station is used for meteorology services as well as climate and environmental monitoring. Less than 20 minutes after a satellite has passed over the station, several services for marine situational monitoring like oil spill and ship detection are delivered. Ice forecasting and ice berg detection are amongst the newest technologies added to the capacities. KSAT is the only company in the world providing satellite control services from both the Arctic and Antarctica. - We're honored and glad that the UN Secretary General and the Norwegian Foreign Minister visited us to see the work we do and experience the importance and vast opportunities satellite observation gives for environmental and climate monitoring, says Rolf Skatteboe, President of KSAT. - Today KSAT are involved in UN operations through UNOSAT, an important resource for several UN projects and operations worldwide, says Skatteboe.