The webinar will run on Wednesday the 14th of April at 09:00 and 15:00 CEST and is free for anyone to join, the two time slots provide access depending on your timezone but the programme will be the same in both cases.
The tropical forest monitoring program provides universal access to high-resolution satellite images of the global tropical forest regions. By making high-resolution, analysis-ready mosaics of the world’s tropics freely available to anyone anywhere, it allows for improved reporting and modelling as well as allowing for monitoring of small changes and more detailed baseline data to increase transparency and accountability against the challenge of deforestation and promotion of conservation in line with the sustainable development goals.
In the webinar, satellite imagery experts will provide an introduction on:
- How to get started with this data program and what it provides
- Accessing the data through Planet explorer and Global Forest Watch
- Showcase different user stories to show how the data is already showing value in different tropical forest regions.
The programme for the webinar has been developed in collaboration with the Oslo Tropical Forest Forum, led by Norad, and the Norwegian International Climate and Forest Initiative (NICFI) who have procured this data over the tropical forest region from KSAT and its partners Planet and Airbus.
Who should attend?
While the webinar programme will be of interest to technical analysts and researchers who work directly with spatial data, it will be primarily targeted to non-specialist consumers of forest-related information so that they are aware of the kinds of analyses that are now possible and importantly, accessible, since previous barriers such as cost and licensing have been removed.

– The focus of this webinar will be on visualisation and utilisation of the data. The powerful visual tools provided by the Project team and through partners such as Global Forest Watch provide users the opportunity to explore the data whether they are novice or advanced users of satellite data. This webinar will showcase how, through these tools it is possible to search and discover data that could be useful to you, where to go for help and assistance and how this program is already providing benefit to the tropical forest community, we do hope you will be able to join us, Charlotte Bishop KSAT Project Manager for the NICFI program says.
- Welcome, Hege Ragnhildstveit, NICFI
- What is the NICFI data programme, Charlotte Bishop, KSAT
- Planet Explorer demonstration, Pooja Pandey, Planet
- How to explore the data, Alyssa Barrett, from the Global Forest Watch
- User stories from tropical forest regions - Peru and Indonesia.
- Q&A